The GBD is a proposal for a COVID-19 response strategy that calls for herd immunity through “Focused Protection” rather than widespread lockdowns. After reading the GBD website, I learned that it was authored by three epidemiologists, Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya. All three of these medical doctors have extensive experience and expertise in the field of epidemiology and have published research on various public health topics. It is safe to say, these people know what they’re talking about.
The idea of the Great Barrington Declaration response strategy was to garner herd immunity while also letting healthy people live their daily lives. To do this, they stated that it would be a good idea to just let COVID run its course, infect as many healthy people as possible, and in the long run achieve herd immunity which would keep the more vulnerable safe. Comparing this strategy to America’s lockdown and mandates policies, they are polar opposites. If America were to use the GBD strategy, I believe it would have alleviated much more stress in our country. People would be able to live their life and go to work instead of being locked in their rooms for months on end. I think that the United States didn’t factor in mental health in its policies.
In regards to these GBD doctors being suppressed by the NIH and NIAID, I would not be shocked if this were 100% accurate. Censorship has been so prevalent, especially during the pandemic. While I definitely believe in censorship, sometimes it’s acceptable. For example, I believe that the GDB doctors were suppressed because this strategy promoted a disunified country. For apparent reasons, that is not what the United States needs.