
Living with Two Doctors

Both my mother and father are medical doctors, which offered much insight into the medical community throughout the course of the pandemic. Before I tell my story, let me give you some insight into both of my parents. The main difference between my parents and how they have gone about their medical careers is risk aversion/rule-following. My mom is one of the most by-the-books and straight-and-narrow people you will ever meet. She is where she is now because of her relentless work ethic. Comparatively, my father is more of a risk-taking and thought-provoking man. This lays the backstory for the next paragraph.

Ever since news broke about the use of hydroxychloroquine, my parents have been on opposite sides of the spectrum. My mom was a stern believer in Fauci and his anti-early-stage medications. On the flip side, my dad always used to challenge her and say she has no proof to support her opinion. A year and a half into the pandemic, my uncle got extremely sick and wasn’t getting better. After a few days of severe thought, my dad gave the opinion to try hydroxychloroquine; this came with swift opposition from my mom. In the end, my uncle’s family decided to use hydroxychloroquine and it “magically” helped him. Ever since my mom has been much more open to different thoughts. The reason I tell this story is Dr. Parks’, COVID-19: A Second Opinion, story showed a close resemblance to my family’s stories.

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