
COVID Vaccine and Myocarditis

The interview, administered by Jan Jekielek, is all about what has been causing these sudden heart problems in recent months. Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Aseem Malhotra try to put the theory into perspective that the COVID-19 vaccine might be the leading cause of these adverse heart problems.

As a disclaimer, I am a firm believer in the hypothesis that mild Covid-19 is the root of these heart problems; however, I went into this interview with an open mind.

Dr. McCullough and Dr. Malhorta definitely mentioned multiple statements that made sense. The most influential argument Dr. McCullough had was about his reasoning behind mild Covid and the vaccine. He said that Covid-19 definitely negatively affects one’s heart; there is no question about that. However, when you introduce more and more spike proteins (vaccines and boosters), this will increase the negative effects on one’s heart. The other segment I enjoyed was when they talked about “until proven otherwise.” They used this term in the context that many people in their field automatically disagree with a hypothesis. However, until something is proven, you can’t rule a hypothesis out (like vaccines and myocarditis).

When researching these two cardiovascular doctors, the results are quite similar. Whether you look at either of their names on Google or DuckDuckGo, there are countless articles and statements regarding their “misinformed” view on the Covid-19 vaccine. Specifically, 4/5 of the top searches on Google for Dr. Peter McCullough gave negative backlash. Although this may be search engine optimization, it seems as if the medical community denounces these doctors.

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