The documentary, Died Suddenly, was morbid, sickening, and terrifying. However, not for the reasons you may think… As I am sure you have all picked up by now, I am a heavy advocate for science-based decisions, and my opinion on this documentary is no different.
I want to start off by saying that not one point presented in this film was backed by any sort of scientific research or data. The film fed its viewers anecdotes upon anecdotes of propaganda-Esque remarks by embalmers. Yes, you read that right. Embalmers. Just to make their claim “stronger,” they decided to use funeral home embalmers instead of medical doctors. That makes sense!
Now, let me get off my tangent and give the film some credit. I do believe that there has been a potential increase in heart-related issues. As an athlete myself, over the past 6 months, I have heard 3 personal stories of kids my age dropping to the floor- mid-game. So yes, I do agree there might be an issue going on with COVID and fatal medical problems. However, I can assure you that these problems have not arisen from the vaccine, but instead, COVID-19 and its lasting effects are what are causing these “sudden deaths.” If you want to argue that COVID-19 was a man-made weapon created by the government, then sure. But, saying the vaccine is causing these sudden deaths is irrational and not supported by science.